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A Beginner’s Guide to Contributing to Open Source

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Open source projects have revolutionized the world of software development. They rely on a collaborative approach, with developers from all around the globe coming together to create and improve software that’s freely available for anyone to use. This guide will walk you through the steps to make your first contribution.

Choose the right project

The first step in contributing to open source is selecting the right project. Start by identifying your interests and skill level. GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket are great platforms to find projects. Look for issues tagged as “beginner-friendly” or “good first issue.” This will help you find tasks that are manageable for newcomers.

Learn the Basics of Version Control

Open source projects typically use version control systems like Git. It’s essential to learn how to clone a repository, create branches, commit changes, and push them. There are plenty of online tutorials and courses that can help you get started with Git.

Get Familiar with the Project

Before you start contributing, spend some time getting to know the project. Read the documentation, understand the project’s goals, and explore its codebase. Familiarity with the project’s structure will make your contributions more meaningful.

Start Small

It’s best to start with small, manageable tasks. Fixing a typo in documentation or making minor code improvements can be a good start. This allows you to become comfortable with the project’s workflow and build your confidence.

Follow Contribution Guidelines

Every open source project has its own contribution guidelines. These guidelines specify how code should be formatted, how to submit a pull request, and other important details. Adhering to these guidelines is crucial for your contributions to be accepted.

Communicate with the Community

Open source is all about collaboration and communication. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or seek help from the project’s community. Engage in discussions on issue threads or join the project’s communication channels like Slack or Discord.

Be Patient and Persistent

Contributing to open source can be challenging, especially in the beginning. Your pull requests might be reviewed, and changes requested. Be patient, take feedback positively, and keep iterating on your work. Persistence is key to becoming a valuable contributor.

Document Your Contributions

When submitting a pull request, provide clear and concise documentation about what you’ve done. This helps reviewers understand your changes and their purpose. Good documentation is an important part of open source contribution.

Build Your Portfolio

As you make contributions, remember to showcase your work on your GitHub profile or personal website. This portfolio will be valuable when you’re looking for jobs or want to get involved in more open source projects.

Give Back

Once you’ve gained some experience, consider giving back by mentoring or helping other beginners. Sharing your knowledge and experience is a great way to strengthen the open source community.


Contributing to open source is a rewarding and educational experience. It’s not just about code but also about collaboration, learning, and making a positive impact on the software development community. Follow these steps, and you’ll be on your way to becoming a valuable open source contributor.

I’d also like to highlight a fantastic resource that can assist newcomers in finding projects and issues. In this repository, I have curated issues from projects I am involved in, specifically to assist newcomers like you. This platform is an invaluable resource to kickstart your open source journey.

So, seize the opportunity, get involved, and contribute to the open source community. With resources like this at your disposal, your journey starts now! Good luck, and remember that I’m here to help you every step of the way.