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Python vs. Java — What’s the Difference?

Python and Java are two very popular programming languages. Likely, most, if not all of today’s developers and programmers have encountered either one of the two. Although TechRepublic reports an increase in usage for Python in recent years, many developers still swear by Java. To those who are wondering which is the better language between the two, let’s take an in-depth look at their key features and differences.

What is Java?

Java is a general-purpose programming language that is high-level, class-based, and object-oriented. One of the main focuses of designing Java was to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. In Joshua Bloch’s book Effective Java, the language, especially its new versions, provides increased support for multiple paradigms. Java was able to transform the original web experience from plain-text pages to ones that can utilize video and animation.

What is Python?

Similar to Java, Python is also a high-level general-purpose programming language. It reduces the line of code that also minimizes the cost of product maintenance. Renowned programmers Stef Maruch and Ashz Maruch’s book on Python for Dummies points out that one of the language’s limitations is how it can be a smart option for many solutions, particularly ones that need blocky or click-and-drag builds like operating systems. After all, it was designed with a philosophy of making code easier to read than most other languages.

Main Differences Between Java and Python

There are a few key differences between Java and Python. First, Python is popularized for being more communicative and how it makes experimentation easier and more feasible, while Java users find that it provides an overall better use for production code. Python is also dynamic, which means that it’s less verbose than static languages, making it more readable. Python can help beginner programmers to learn quickly, which has led it to be dubbed as the “Lego” of programming languages. Programmers will rarely find the need to start from scratch.

Java, on the other hand, requires static typing, which catches type errors at compile time. Java’s Write Once Run Anywhere (WORA) slogan is even useful for platform independence, and the Virtual Machine can act as its very own interpreter and error detector. Because it requires static typing, it’s also considered to be a form of more thorough code learning in the long run. You’ll find that it enforces a sort of discipline that most developers appreciate. Java programs are also more stable compared to programs of other languages.

Despite being a bit less readable than Python, Java is still widely preferred. After all, it’s a great deal faster, thanks to its just-in-time compilation. Moreover, it also runs some of the most popular and powerful web development frameworks, which means you’d need a good knowledge of the language itself if you want to be a versatile developer in the industry. In fact, Java continues to garner a lot of support from its large community of users, like ours here at The Great API.